I am tired...of writing about only a handful of these events because there are so many, so many, I can't address them all for the sake of my emotional well-being.
I am tired...of the mass media's coverage of these events, from the fear-mongering to the sensationalism to the obvious and poisonous prejudices.
I am tired...of seeing rumors and unverified stories spread like wildfire across social media and when they're found to be false, no one saying a word.
I am tired...of people sharing articles they don't both to fully read, consider the source, or put into context just to get attention.
I am tired...of an inactive legislation doing nothing, nothing different in the face of these attacks.
I am tired...of people's indifference to other's suffering.
I am tired...of people being blissfully ignorant of history, what the second amendment's true purpose and intent was, what the confederate flag means (nope, not "Southern pride"), etc.
I am tired...of people not bothering to learn about Islam before they slander it.
I am tired...of insane, dangerous bigots like Donald Trump having any kind of audience at all, of being allowed to spew hatred while so few, so few people really protest.
I am tired...of wondering, when I'm in a public place shopping with my baby or walking alone in my neighborhood if someone will take the vulnerable moment to push me down, yell obscenities, or otherwise harass me because I have a hijab on.
I am tired...of holding my daughter and imagining her going out into this world and being killed violently at the hands of a gunman in her elementary school, at a movie theater, at a doctor's office, or on the street.
I am tired...of feeling completely helpless.
I am just so tired.